Optimum Performance Coaching
Automotive Management Consultancy

Collaborating with you to
Optimum Performance Coaching works with successful business Leaders who know that change is a constant but also recognise that to achieve their ambition, their Teams will require coaching and support.
Our unique service helps you to prioritise and develop a plan to help you and your Team achieve your businesses potential through coaching at all levels.
Our USP is that we will work with you and your Team to implement the agreed plan.
We recognise that maximising the return on sales causes many business leaders to reduce or limit expenditure on external services.
However, the lack of time to deep dive and address root cause issues often means they continue unresolved and business potential unachieved.
We will tailor our services to meet your need and plan to offer great value for your investment.
About Mike Murphy
I have been in the Retail Automotive business for over 30 years.
Starting as a Sales Executive, I have held the positions of Used Car Sales Manager,
General Sales Manager and for the last 20 years as a Brand Approved
Head of Business in BMW, Audi and Porsche centres.
I have experienced most of the challenges that you face on a daily basis.
This is why, in 2016, I set up Optimum Performance Coaching.
Optimum Performance Coaching will get immersed in the detail of your business.
We will provide informed solutions and, uniquely, collaborate with you and support you to implement your plan to improve the dynamic of your business and assist you to
achieve your businesses Optimum Performance.